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5 reasons why Stoicism can make you a better leader
Self-awareness and Self-control:
The first tenet of Stoicism is the understanding of oneself. It begins with mastering your thoughts and emotions, as they are the only things truly within your control. A strong leader should be well-aware of their emotional responses and not be ruled by them. This involves recognizing when you’re experiencing strong emotions such as anger, frustration, or anxiety, and not allowing these states to drive your decisions. Instead, approach each situation with a clear, focused mind, making decisions based on reason and rational thinking, not on the heat of the moment. This also extends to self-discipline and responsibility; stoicism encourages us to take ownership of our actions, learning from mistakes rather than blaming others.
Virtuous Living:
Virtue, according to Stoicism, is the highest form of goodness and the basis for moral life. There are four cardinal virtues in Stoicism: wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. As a leader, you should strive to embody these virtues in your daily life. Wisdom means making well-informed, thoughtful decisions. Courage isn’t just about physical bravery, but also about standing up for your beliefs and principles, even in the face of adversity. Justice involves treating your team fairly and honestly…